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What is a Health Administrator?

What Is A Health Administrator?
  • Blog

Health administration, healthcare administration, healthcare management or hospital management is the field relating to leadership, management, and administration of public health systems, health care systems, hospitals, and hospital networks in all the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors.

The top skills you’ll need to be a successful hospital administrator include:

  • Industry Knowledge. The health care industry can be extremely competitive and receiving a master’s degree can take your career even further
  • Leadership
  • Critical Thinking
  • Relationship Building
  • Ethical Judgment
  • Adaptability
  • Quick Thinking

Since 1986, Valley College of Medical Careers has been a leader in medical career training. To learn more about enrolling in programs, financial aid, government grants, GI Bill acceptance, or other enrollment requirements, please call 818-883-9002.

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